Can you remember what you got your Dad for Father’s Day last year? The chances are that if you can’t, then neither will they, as the standard things people tend to go for on this special occasion can be a bit...forgettable. We’re here today to tell you about Veter mechanical model kits for adults  that fall into an altogether different category of Father’s Day gifts.

 Chopper-V1 by Veter Models

That’s because Veter mechanical model kits  can be enjoyed in more ways than one. In this blog we take a closer look at this incredibly innovative range of intriguing gifts that will not just leave a smile on Dad’s face, but have him smiling for a long time after that! So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in!


Where Art Meets Engineering

SpeedFighter by Veter Models


When you look at the amazing mechanical model puzzle  kits created by Veter, perhaps the first thing that strikes you is their beauty. Fashioned from high quality wood and plastic, these models represent genuine works of art that you get to construct with your own two hands. Once complete, Dad will certainly be proud of himself and rightly so!


Models like The Speedfighter and The Chopper V1 are just two examples of what happens when engineering skill meets the creative world of art. We think you’ll agree that these mechanical model kits  are a sight to behold and they have a secret we’ve not yet told you about and it relates to the ‘mechanical’ part of their name.


3D Models That Moooooove

 Racer V3 by Veter Models

The most interesting thing about these innovative creations is that they’re not like other traditional types of models that you make once and then just sort of look at on the shelf from time to time. Veter models are mechanical and that means that they can move under their own steam - well, they move thanks to their clever internal coil-powered engines anyway!


That means that you get to play with them when you’ve finished and again, unlike those flimsy plastic models on the market, Veter mechanical model kits for adults  are robust enough to stand the test of time. The models in this range can easily stand up to being played with regularly, meaning Dad can get it out and show it off as often as he likes without any fear of damaging it.


Get Him Something He Won’t Expect This Year!

 SpeedFighter by Veter Models

So, with Father’s Day just around the corner now, why not consider getting Dad or Grandad something special this year? When he opens his new Veter model kit on the day, we’re certain that his eyes will light up and he’ll ask you lots of questions. After all, it’s not every day that you get a gift that’s as beautiful as it is fun!


To see the full range of Veter mechanical model kits  for yourself, head over to today and take a look around. There you’ll see a massive range of models from the biggest and brightest names in the business. From Ugears to Rokr to Rolife and Time For Machine, we have something for every taste, age and skill level.


However, if you have any issues making your purchase or you simply want a bit of advice before you make your choice, you can get the help you need by filling in our contact form. Upon receiving your enquiry, we’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as we possibly can.


That’s it from us this time. We’ll just leave you by saying that whichever of these amazing models you go for, we hope that you and your Dad have a day to remember!


Until next time.